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      Today I had one of those days where you just sit down and think of how your life is suddenly starting to flash before your eyes. I came to realize that not everything I had once planned is really what I’ll eventually be doing. Having that realization was more eye opening and mind blowing that it ever had been. It all started after I had a talk with my brother about the plans I had for my life.

My brother is not the kind to intervene in my life, but he is very protective, and I know he wants the best for me. I had a mindset that my life was pretty much well planned for the most part but when my brother asked me today I realized that a lot had changed. Truth is that life can change in any given moment, and I mean it can really change upside down and side to side and before you know it not even the best of plans can come out according to plan. I realized that I don’t have a lot of time to make some major life decisions, some which I will never get again and no matter how I look at it most of the decisions I have to make are nothing I had expected. Life changes quickly.

I know that I can’t have everything I want in life and so I must set my priorities straight. I promised myself before graduating high school to never do something that didn’t make me happy. I realized that a lot of the things I always wanted to have or achieve were things that didn’t make me happy, they were things I wanted merely to show that I could actually achieve. Keyword being “show”. Its not what I need, not what I truly and honestly wanted. Funny how one’s priorities change as one grows older.

I asked myself what made me happy and the answer was pretty clear from the beginning. I know what makes me happy, I know what I want, and I’m willing to fight for it till the very end. It might not be what I had always planned on wanting, but its OK to have changes. I understand that this road will be very bumpy and full of obstacles but that’s not something that’s going to stop me. If there’s anything I’ve ever been sure of is this, I’m risking it all for my true happiness.

Smile, your life can change before you even know it. 

   Happy August everybody! I’ll be honest this morning I didn’t feel like waking up early, let alone do anything the rest of the day. Today I wanted to have one of those lazy days, and then it hit me: today is the first day of a new month.

I wanted to start the new month by staying active, and no one else was going to push me to get up except yours truly. I did exactly that, against my best wishes to stay in bed and be a lazy person I got up. The first thing I did was to get ready, grabbed some fruit, and went off on my way. I took a jog/walk this morning and since it was Monday I figured I’d get two birds with one stone and go drop off my letter to my sweetie at the local pick up box. So off I went and that was how I started my morning.

I didn’t stop, I went swimming as soon as I came home. I could feel the workout, it was intense but it wasnt so bad since I had started a few days back. Actually it felt pretty good, and much needed. I could’ve called it a day, but did I? No. I went off to clean my room, every inch of it. What can I say sometimes OCD hits me really bad. Now that my room is spotless and free of dust, now that my muscles got their workout I think its time to say that I started the day on the right track. Now I’m off to relax on this beautiful evening that awaits.

Smile, you too can start your day/month/year off right. 

Its past the midway point of the year. Boy did it go fast or what? I still remember the earlier parts of the year, so vivid in my memory. My first half of the year did not go at all how I had originally planned it to go and that was a great thing. Overall I am extremely satisfied with what has happened so far, yes that also includes the bad parts.

I have a learned a lot these past few months, and I am ready to learn some more. Its the end of a month and its time to start all over again, keep on going. So good-bye July 2011! A lot happened this month, so I’m excited to see what happens in the month(s) to come.

Smile, its that time to let go and start new. 

We’re moving! The thought alone gives me a bitter sweet feeling, I went to visit the new place and I must say that I really liked it. I have many plans too, for one I’ll be doing a lot more exercise, I’ll have more space for myself, I’ll have better lighting conditions to see the stars, I’ll be able to jump into a pool whenever I please. I’m already thinking of swimming in the rain…

While there are many good things about the new house, and all the changes that are about to come over me, I’m a bit sad to leave my home. THIS home. This is where I practically grew up, I’ve been living here almost half of my life. This is where I met my best friends, where for the first time I felt butterflies for someone. This is the place I call home. Within its walls many secrets were told, many memories were made, many tears where cried. If there is a place in this world that has seen me change is this house. This was the place I ran to, skipped to from school and the place I thought of when I was away. My refuge, my home.

I will miss it greatly, and yet at the same time to me its symbolic. A new start awaits for me, interesting how it is so close to the New Year don’t you think? I feel like this is a major step in leaving all the old feelings and old things behind.

It’s time to start again, rebirth.

Smile, moving on isn’t always so bad.

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