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Recently mom and I had a conversation about life, and we evaluated the things that have happened in our lives that led us to be where we are today. She told me the story of how I came to be in this world. She had told me bits here and there but never had we sat down and discussed it all from the very beginning. After having my sister my mom became pregnant with twins, by the time she found out she was pregnant one of the fetuses had died and the other one’s health was doing poorly. My mom opted for an abortion because it was putting their lives in danger, this upset her greatly and became depressed for a while after. She decided to get “fixed” to not have kids anymore and life was fine and dandy for a few years until I popped up in the picture.

Image by Chiceaux Lynch

When she started to have weird symptoms she thought she was sick, she even craved raw meat (ironically I dislike red meat) and when she went to the doctor, voila! I guess I’ve been stubborn since before I was born because I held on to dear life in an ectopic pregnancy. The doctors suggested an abortion because at that time (yeah I’m old) they figured I had no chance in making it to the second trimester and it would only endanger my mom. She told me how she remembered the twins, and seeing as how I had been stubborn enough to get past her “fix” to not have babies she refused the abortion. As she put it “You held on, I decided to do the same for you”. My mom says I was the worst pregnancy she ever had, she stayed in bed most of her pregnancy (I was a preemie) and when she wasn’t she was in the hospital.

Dad wasn’t there during pregnancy, nor was he there when I was born. When I was born she was relieved that we had both made it despite the odds. She told me that I should continue to use my stubbornness to defy the odds and that she was happy I stuck through college. You have no idea how much that meant to me, its not everyday that you get words like that from my mom. It got me thinking, do I have a purpose in life? She could’ve easily refused to stick with me during her pregnancy. I could’ve been another statistic, but I too held on. The odds were against me. I don’t know if I have a purpose but I do know that you are what you limit yourself to be.

Smile, don’t let the odds limit who you can be.

    One of my fondest memories when I was little kid was asking mom to tell me stories of her childhood. I remember I used to bug her so much just for a story, I wanted to know everything about her, I wanted to know how she was when she was my age. Sometimes she would make me a cup of warm milk with a tad bit of coffee (I wanted to be all grown up and drink coffee) and we would sit by the dining table and had our little story time. I was always so amazed at her stories (my mom was an adventurer herself) and I always made mini movies of it in my head, I loved it.

Compared to my mom I’m quite the angel, my mom grew up in a little ranch in Mexico in a house that was part of my grandma’s dowry, that house was to be witness of many, many things over the years. My mom was the most daring of all her siblings, she would climb trees for fruits, she would take off whenever my grandpa punished her and she would go to the coast where my great grandparents lived, all on her own.

My mom has always had that strong spirit, she’s always doing something ever since she was a kid. Whenever we go visit my aunt, I ask my aunt for stories too and anyone else who knew my mom tells me the same: “Your mother is a woman of strong will, stubborn, and amazing”. I joke around with her that I wasn’t nearly as crazy as she was, she says times are different. Imagine if I had done all the crazy things like take off on my own at a young age to go with my great grandparents? She probably would’ve disowned me!

I remember my mom telling me stories of her when she lived in the coast with my great grandparents for the summers. Her stories of swimming in the ocean with her cousins, or catching mussels with her toes. Mom in some ways has changed, shes a bit more reserved, less adventurous now. I don’t know if its because that’s what growing up does to people. What hasn’t changed is my love for those stories, even if I have heard them before. I may not be a little kid anymore, I may still not drink my warm cup of milk with my tad bit of coffee (since I drink coffee now hehehe) but siting around with her to listen to stories is something I will always love. Seriously, there’s no better story telling than when its about your origins, your ancestry, the people you love.

Smile, because there are some things you will always love. 

I heard about this on the news a few days ago and I thought it was a great idea. Not only that but I have been wanting to write about this for a long time. What better day than today to say THANK YOU to all who have donated blood today, yesterday or in past times.

About ten years ago as a little girl sitting on a chair in the waiting room of a hospital I made a promise that one day I would become a blood donor. As soon as I was able to I signed up for my first donation. That was a couple of years back but till today I still go back whenever I see a blood drive being held. I made that promise because strangers who were kind enough donated blood once and it was because of their unselfish kindness that my mother was able to attend my graduation, and was able to see my nieces and nephews grow. Today my mother is fine and in good health but ten years ago she was very sick. I will not go into details but it was terrible, she had blood transfusion after another after another. When I was sitting in that waiting room that night the doctors couldn’t give us much hope but my family held on and thankfully through a miracle or through whatever you want to call it my mom survived her surgery.

Our family ten years later and for many years to come will forever be greatful to those who donate blood. We never got a chance to meet the people who donated for my mom, but they will forever be our secret angels because they made a difference in all of our lives. Today being World Blood Donor Day I thank all of you donors out there because you guys do make a difference each and every day. Like my family and I, I am sure there are many other stories out there of people thankful for you guys too. Thankful that there are people who give so much. Thank you!

Smile, you too can make a difference.

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