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The title is self is explanatory, the book or “journal” was created to be read day by day. Each day of the year comes with a small lesson on how to be a better leader. Sometimes you have outlines, stories, and points of view from the author. At the bottom of each day (page) the author asks you a question based on what you read for the day and leaves some lines for you to write in your answers. This is a most beautifully hardcover book. Can be used as a gift to someone (includes a dedicatory page where you can write to the person you are gifting the book), its beautifully executed and will make a lovely addition to any book collection.

I loved the book! As soon as I read the first page I knew this was a book that was perfect for my taste. I have been looking for a book about leadership for sometime, but a book that was going to challenge me and make me think and this is just that. I like how the book is also a journal. From reading the book I realized that it’s also great for blogging, it gave me many ideas to write about and many ideas on what to work on next. Overall I would definitely recommend this book. If anyone does get a copy let me know what you think about it!

This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for this review.

Smile, we all have something to work on to be better beings.

Today I took my little niece to school, because she is currently in Preschool I have to sign her in and out when I pick her up. To my surprise there was a Parent Meeting today, I wasn’t sure if I had to stay (Seeing as how the meeting was mandatory for all PARENTS). Am I a parent? A bit confused, I went over to ask one of the teachers, “You’re her aunt, of course you’re a parent!” and she smiled and said I could take a seat next to my niece. Honestly, I felt a bit weird but I can’t lie either, I was very excited to sit down on the little green chair.

I felt big, and old. The little green chair was so small, the table was really small and short but for the kids they were big. Then I thought of how the tables have turned around over the years. I used to be the kid sitting down on those chairs waiting for my parents, I was the kid sitting down on the chair thinking that the table was too big and here I was an adult now thinking the table and chairs were so small. I find it interesting how our perspective changes with time and experience.

I sat there next to her while she worked on a wooden puzzle, which she finished very quickly. Ah how she reminds me of myself when I was little. I love puzzles… loved them ever since I was about her age. She showed me how she figured out where the pieces belonged and proudly she showed me the end result with a big smile on her face. This is her reality, her world as of now. A big classroom, toys, songs, and ‘Tag Tag Goose’ games. Remember when that was your reality? I know I do.

So there I was, sitting down on this little green chair listening to the teachers talk about the new safety rules, and future parent meetings. So this is what its like to be an adult right? Being responsible, being a role model for the little ones, keeping them safe, helping them grow into amazing adults. Being there at all times. I can’t stop thinking of how things change so quickly with the passage of time. Before I know it, I’ll get older and one day my niece will too think that the little green chair and table she once knew to be so big will one day be little.

Smile, not all changes are bad.

Have you ever made a decision that haunted you for some time? Maybe not everyday but every now and then made you think if what you did was the right thing? I had one of those and it wasn’t until recently that I realized that it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

I’ve had my share of criticism, lost friendships, and labeled in many ways over the last couple of years because of that one breakup. Ah relationships… so complicated at times. Overall, it was way too much drama, more than anyone would want. Of course I was the bad person in several stories, and I learned to live with the questioning, and labeling, and pointing. Now that I think of it, I lived in my very own teenage movie that mind you has lasted into my college years.

Things happen for a reason, and I’m a firm believer of that. “Good things come to those who wait” and you know what? I don’t mind waiting, and working because I know there are great things out there for all of us we just have to learn to be patient and overcome the obstacles that come our way. So revisiting old days and looking at how things have turned out to be I have no regrets. I don’t mind the drama that has been a part of my life, my decisions, none of it. I learned things here and there from it all. Its nice to revisit the old days, but I am glad they are past me. Its nice to feel that feeling of being past certain phases in your life to know that you can apply what you’ve learned to what you have today and what will come tomorrow. So I’ll wait patiently, I’ll let life take its course because no matter what happens tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow something new awaits.

Smile, there’s something great for you out there!

BEAUTIFUL. That is the first word that comes to mind when I think of this book. I enjoyed it from the very first page to the very last. The book contains different stories that come in different categories like Friendship, Kindness, etc. Each story was carefully chosen for this book to show YOU how lives have been changed. The stories in the book are uplifting, and the pictures and quotes are perfectly matched. Visually beautiful and perfect for gifting to someone special to you.

My overall reaction is that I love this book. This is one of those books you’d want to give to someone that means a lot to you or even a book to keep. There was not a story that made me smile and/or make me feel hopeful.

This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for this review.

Smile, who changed your life?

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