You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2011.

Its past the midway point of the year. Boy did it go fast or what? I still remember the earlier parts of the year, so vivid in my memory. My first half of the year did not go at all how I had originally planned it to go and that was a great thing. Overall I am extremely satisfied with what has happened so far, yes that also includes the bad parts.

I have a learned a lot these past few months, and I am ready to learn some more. Its the end of a month and its time to start all over again, keep on going. So good-bye July 2011! A lot happened this month, so I’m excited to see what happens in the month(s) to come.

Smile, its that time to let go and start new. 

     I’m glad to say that I am finally slowly going back to my normal life, my old habits, my old customary doings. I knew more than a year ago that the day my love had to leave to commit to his career would come, so from the beginning I knew what I was getting myself into. Technically I shouldn’t complain but this whole new way of life was really nothing what I was expecting. These last few weeks have been very odd, solitary for the most part, just trying to learn to adapt.

No one said adapting to new things was easy, I know. I thought that while my sweetie would be away life would be rather normal, same ol’, same ol’. I was so wrong! It was difficult the first week trying to deal with no communication at all. It was so difficult learning to not expect “Good morning”s and “Good nights” and all the lovely things in between. Long distance relationships are more difficult than I ever thought they would be. Everyone that has been in my shoes tells me things only get better, and they were right.

Although the first weeks were awful to say the least (especially the first week) you learn to be patient, you learn discipline, you learn to be strong. Slowly one can adapt to new ways of life, it just takes time. The good thing is I’m going back to my old habits, I started to go on walks, longer ones too and that has made me feel sooo good! I’m getting back in the kitchen, back to observing my world, back to all things that I found beautiful. This road is not easy, but you learn so much in the process, and you get a whole new experience of a different life. Honestly a life I never thought I’d get to live but thats just how crazy life can be, surprising you with things you least expect.

Smile, no one said adapting was easy but its definitely achievable. 

    Earlier in the week I decided to go for a walk, mostly to clear my mind up from everything that has been going on in my life lately. I realized how little we appreciate the feel of sweat. Yeah thats right, sweating. Its a nice feeling, makes me feel like I’m actually doing something. It was a long walk and felt longer because it had been nearly two weeks since I had last gone for my walk. I took it rather slow, taking in the sights, the smells, the noises of the semi-busy streets. It was lovely.

On my way back home I decided to stop to grab a cup of coffee, it was early in the morning and I figured what better way to continue my morning than with a nice cup of joe! So there I was doing my coffee ritual, still thinking of thoughts that lingered my mind, minding my own business. When I reached the counter to pay for my coffee the cashier guy tells me that the guy in front of me had paid for my coffee. By the time I realized what had happened the guy was already getting in his car, and I figured there was no point in running to catch up to him to thank him, so random stranger Thank You!

I thought it was a very nice random act of kindness, selfless too. Most intriguing since he wasn’t the kind of person to wait around for a thank you or asked for anything in return. See, now that is something very admirable. I wish I had returned the favor to have done that to at least someone else but no one else was at the store at the time. One day I’ll return the favor, I feel like its my turn to pass on that random act of kindness, and that makes me wonder how far that act can go? Its the little things that count, the selfless acts of good, think about it. One little act at a time can not only make someone’s day (because it definitely made mine) but can make a big difference overall.

Smile, share a random act of kindness with someone. 

     I rarely have music posts but then I figured, why not? I listen to music on a daily basis, music is a part of who I am. I think everyone can relate to at least one song, or have one song we like to listen to. I personally am more of a lyrics person and if the lyrics are meaningful or have in somewhat something that relates to me its a song I will more than likely listen to again and again.

“Pain throws your heart to the ground, love turns the whole thing around”

Many times we’ve all had those days or phases when life just seems to like pushing us around. But it has happened (to me) that although I may have bad days or phases in life when even the smallest thing turns my frowns upside down. For example, a simple smile from someone I love is sure to make me smile. The action of a hug, or a few words of kindness can make a big difference.

“No it wont all go the way it should, but I know the heart of life is good”

My favorite line in the movie, can’t ring anymore truer than that. We all plan things, we make plans in our minds of what we would like our life to be. Sadly, and also thankfully (yes, thankfully) not everything turns out the way we plan it to be. Why thankfully? Think about it, would you have learned what you have from bad experiences if you hadn’t experienced them? Would you be equally thankful for what you have and value the instances where your plans have come out the way you wanted them if all your plans happened the way you wanted them to? I’m not saying we need to suffer to value life, but sometimes that’s really what makes us appreciate what we have.

“You know it’s nothing new, bad news never had good timing”

Sometimes is that flat tire on your way to your final exam, sometimes its the pluming that needs to get fixed when you just wasted all your money. Whatever it might be, we’ve all gone through this at one point or another, we just have to learn to roll with the punches of life. Its not about giving up, its about getting up whenever we are pushed down by the ironies of life.

Smile, because “… the heart of life is good.”

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